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My name is Joshua Adams, and I am professionally equipped to come alongside you in your pursuit of a better relationship. I have led several marriage preparation workshops with the Calgary Counselling Centre. I’ve also been happily married for 10 years and I enjoy spending time with my wife Finnessa Adams, and my three wonderful children: Charity, Grace, and Victor (9, 7, and 4).

I am passionate about relationships and families and all that is necessary to keep them thriving.

Gottman Method Couples Therapy
I use the Gottman Method for Couples Therapy which helps deepen friendship and intimacy and helps work through conflicts: both manage resolvable problems, and dialogue through perpetual issues. 

If you are interested in couples therapy, send me an email or call me.

Also, it is recommended that both you and your partner fill out this Couples Pre-Counselling Inventory before your first session.

I look forward to hearing from you soon,

Joshua Adams, R. Psych.